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Welcome to the International PET Portal and Blog!

PET stands for Privacy Enhancing Technologies. This forum is aimed at proving that new ICTs, the Internet, are suitable not only for invading our privacy but for protecting it, too.

This forum is intended not only for professionals but for a wide range of visitors. Therefore, material on the portal is divided into three categories: Young, Adult and Professional, according to the three main spheres of interest. Certain news or other materials may belong to more than one category, and every visitor may naturally read all types of material. In order to access material of your interest and style, please select one of the three categories!

Press event: Public presentation

Press event: Public presentation

2010.11.09. 12:28:24

On 8 November 2010 we presented the new international portal to the media and our expert colleagues in Budapest. The photos were taken at the press event.

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