Welcome to the International PET Portal and Blog!

PET stands for Privacy Enhancing Technologies. This forum is aimed at proving that new ICTs, the Internet, are suitable not only for invading our privacy but for protecting it, too.

This forum is intended not only for professionals but for a wide range of visitors. Therefore, material on the portal is divided into three categories: Youth, Adult and Professional, according to the three main spheres of interest. Certain news or other materials may belong to more than one category, and every visitor may naturally read all types of material.

In order to access material of your interest and style, please select one of the three categories!

For the Youth, we offer primarily news on privacy aspects of services, social networks used by the young generation. In the Adult category those issues are discussed in an easy-to-understand form which may be interesting for laymen and average internet users. In the Professional category we expect visitors who are IT professionals or have a deeper knowledge of information technologies; those who are interested in professional novelties or want to be engaged in professional discussions. You can navigate among the categories at any time, according to your personal interest.

At present this international forum is trilingual: it has English, Dutch and Hungarian versions. Material posted in the three languages is individually edited and moderated by national editors. Therefore, the content is not necessarily the same in the respective languages, however, the themes, the structure, the approach – and, hopefully, the popularity – are similar. The forum is suitable for hosting other language versions, too.

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By uploading blog posts, comments, sending material to the editors you are actively contributing to shaping the content of the forum, raising its standards, enhancing its popularity. If you find this webpage useful and interesting, please spread the news among your partners.

Realization of the International PET Portal and Blog was supported in the framework of the Broadening the Range Of Awareness in Data protection (BROAD) project by the “Fundamental Rights and Citizenship” programme of the European Commission,.


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